Most men who give spankings will admit they have a fondness for the hand spanking. Or you could call it, the good old traditional hand spanking. They enjoy the intimacy of using their hand, and the overall closeness it creates. I feel the same way, and would list it among my favorites. Wives also suggest they like the hand spanking method, and not just because it is less painful (which it usually is), but because of the same feelings, the closeness between husband and wife. Instruments may be harsh, but instruments don’t really touch. Hands do. That is why they are so loved.
The sad thing is, that while many find this method more pleasurable, few couples use it frequently. It falls into disuse for two main reasons — firstly it is loud (like other methods) so a quieter form of spanking becomes appropriate despite its desirability. Secondly, a hand spanking usually cannot deliver the strong punishment which sometimes is necessary in discipline. The hand is soft, and most men don’t want to spank as hard as they can and punish their hand along with their wife. Granted, there are some men who work with their hands, and possess hands like leather, who could approximate a paddle or belt spanking with their bare palms. Most of us don’t find that we can, so hand spanking becomes rare. We don’t plan it that way, but it happens.
The intimacy of the hand spanking is the greatest part of this form of discipline, and that intimacy truly keys into everything else. A man correcting his wife this way can feel the softness of her flesh, enjoy her warmth, feel her bottom soften under his blows, responding to each firm slap on the backside. He even feels it grow in warmth as he punishes her, often leaving a bright palm print where he delivers punishment. A woman likewise, despite the harshness of her treatment, feels closer to her husband when she receives a hand spanking, through his warmth, and constant touch of his skin. An instrument can seem impersonal, and cold. The touch of a hand is the very person himself, guiding and correcting you. In a sense, he is more in command when there is no barrier between the two. He is guiding her literally with his hands.
Being more intimate aids some women in receiving the correction. She is receiving it directly from the hand of the one she loves, and who loves her, who guides and protects her every day. In feeling the one she loves, she may more deeply want to conform to him. May more deeply regret her wrong to him. That personal element also aids her in coming to tears, and expressing sorrow for her wrong. She is now expressing it to the man, and not the instrument. She experiences her man’s warmth and touch constantly, just like in making love. She recognizes that touch and responds to it. The regret on her heart wells up faster, and pours out. Even the somewhat more childlike nature of being hand spanked can aid a wife in learning from her spanking. A paddle may instill the formality of discipline, or instill fear, but being spanked by hand can often create even greater humility with its connection to childhood punishments, helping her know to respond with tears and with promises to be good. Helping her to know she is powerless in his hands. All of that she remembers with the slap of a hand on her bottom: She has been a bad girl. He is her warm, strong protector.
I remember one lady friend I used to spank, always by hand. She would go over my knee, stripped from waist down, and be spanked to tears. She responded easily to the talk I gave her and to the spanking. She would cry and bawl — I won’t do it again, I promise. I won’t. I’m sorryyyyyyy! As her bottom became a bright red, and warm as toast. One time I needed to give her a harsher punishment, and took to using a nice wide, and harder swing, which left my hand almost as brightly colored as the back-end I was punishing. My palm was buzzing for the rest of the day. It just didn’t seem right. It’s there that you run into your limit with bare skin, and need to move on to a more appropriate method — that means using an instrument. Each instrument has its advantage, and most will give her a more severe punishment than your hand. Some will instill fear in her. None will ever replace the warmth of your body, or taking her in your hand.
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