Practicing Your Roles Before Marriage

While it is important to be agreed on the use of discipline before marriage, it is equally important to be able to see that your future spouse is prepared to lead if he is the man, and to follow if she is the woman. There are many ways to do this, despite the fact we can’t know everything about our future spouse, and there will always be learning to do over the years together. A man especially, because of the legal ease of divorce, and the advantage that a woman is given legally, needs to know that his future wife is a woman who can easily obey, and who can accept correction well. A woman may also want to know what being submissive entails, and realistically what her man may expect of her. Some period of practice and trial is good to have during a courting or betrothal period.

One thing a man can do to assure that his wife is in line with him, is to give her instructions. This may be as simple as a task he needs done, or a time to meet. He should see that she can accomplish what he tells her, and does not have a problem with being told what to do. Making sure that she does what she is told eventually will entail correcting her when she fails to. I realize that someone will claim she might never fail, but such would be a very rare case. In the event of her poor performance, or forgetfulness with her duties, he may correct her and ought to see that she is able to receive correction without arguing. Receiving it well means she does not cause conflict or argument over being corrected, and that she shows a willingness to learn and do better. It should reflect over time that she sincerely tries to do better. 

The man can also set some standards before he marries her. These may include basic standards for appropriate dress, as well as for her speech. If she’s going to marry this man, she ought to know she is going to have to follow his rules, and she should demonstrate that she can follow them. She’s going to have to do so very soon. A woman should make it her goal to show submissiveness to her future husband, as well as remorse if she should do poorly. This shows she will be a good wife for him. If she responded with attitude or rebellion, obviously, she shows she would make a poor one. Certainly, growth in her femininity and submission is a journey, and a man should not expect perfection, but he should see that his future wife knows how to be submissive and will fall in line with his will without problem.

Naturally, most would agree that discipline before marriage should not be an intimate kind. That would leave non-spanking forms of punishment for the man to use, such as writing or grounding. He can correct her verbally as well. I know there are some couples who use spanking as a punishment while they are seeing each other, and do so without nudity, spanking over the clothes with a solid instrument which will still leave its mark. That modest form of spanking takes the intimacy of it down a notch, but is still risky because the act tends to lead to other things. Either way, it could be helpful if a woman has to undergo punishment during a courting period.

Like in marriage, it is wise for the man to be wary of any disrespect or bad attitude in his future spouse. He ought to correct this when he sees it, first verbally, and if necessary, later with punishment. He does not want to be spending the rest of his life with a woman who will not respect him. He needs to nip that in the bud. He needs to let her know how very serious disrespect is, and that he will not be tolerating it. If she does not show an ability to learn respect and submission, including an acceptance of correction from her future husband, he should not marry her. 

It is fair to point out, that since a couple is not married yet, the husband does not have full authority yet. If that’s the case, why is he setting rules and giving punishments at this time? The answer is that it is a model of the behavior, and will allow both of them to see that the other can do his job, and see what their role entails. For that reason, they practice in a model of authority and submission, even though it is not formally established yet. Just as a wife may show off her skills in the home before becoming a homemaker, and to show what she is made of, future husband and wife rehearse some of what will come in other ways. This clearly should be the case once they are getting to know each other better, and once marriage is the goal.

Finally, the man’s leadership which is on display ought to be one which is calm and loving. A future wife should be able to see that he is not out-of-control, angry, or demeaning. His correction is tempered with love as well, showing it is not all about his gain, but is simply a corrective tool. A godly man of character leads his wife with respect for her as the weaker one, and displays his appreciation of her all the time, and in other ways. It is not a shallow authority of mere position, but one of strength and love which has the right goals for their marriage and household. It is wise not to marry anyone who is motivated by rage, but one who has peace at heart. It does not take years to get to know someone. However, with the right patience in preparation, both man and wife will see they are marrying one who is of good character, and will fulfill the goals of marriage.


15 responses to “Practicing Your Roles Before Marriage”

  1. Excellent article, only part I wonder about is the discussion of discipline before marriage. I understand the idea is to mitigate potential clashes with the current backward, irrational, and anti Christ social and legal structures we currently live under. I just wonder if this is wise to focus upon while still during courtship.

    I had no thought of disciplining my wife before we got married, but if I were to go back in time it’s unlikely I would do it differently. Seems like a good way to possibly create fear and conflict where non need exist. If a man establishes that they will have a Christian marriage, which of course necessitates wifely obedience, and she shows herself a marriageable woman, I believe this can come later.

    Once you are now living together and establishing a life together and showing yourself as her head, trust is established and she becomes more moldable. If you chose a good woman and are doing your part, it should not be too difficult to bring her over and for her to trust herself in your hands. I know I found no reason for concern when I decided to begin discipline and neither have a couple others I know.

    This is just one man’s opinion and anecdotal experience, just wanted to add another perspective.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you, Oswald. That’s very helpful input.

  2. strategoi Avatar

    This is a very good idea. In today’s world measuring and correcting a potential wife’s behaviour is a must. Most marriages that fall apart tend to do so because one or more parties has misunderstood the requirements of life-long union. When dating both parties are separate entities coming together temporarily for lengths at time – if they do not cohabit – but when married they must live together and interact for long periods of time and cannot behave as vicarious individuals anymore. There must be structure and a sense of purpose or the relationship between man and woman will wither.
    On the question of whether to engage in discipline before marriage, I would say that if they are already committed (fiancés) then over the clothes spanking or even bare spanking is acceptable. So long as the man can control himself it would make a seamless transition into marriage, an object lesson in restraint to both parties and an example of the man’s inner strength.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for your comment, Strategoi. I appreciate your analysis of that preparatory time before marriage. I agree some couples can make it work using discipline during their engagement period. A man goes into marriage with much more assurance once he sees the woman can graciously receive correction, whether through discipline or verbally.

    2. “On the question of whether to engage in discipline before marriage, I would say that if they are already committed (fiancés) then over the clothes spanking or even bare spanking is acceptable. So long as the man can control himself it would make a seamless transition into marriage, an object lesson in restraint to both parties and an example of the man’s inner strength.”

      I agree with this. Some discipline in courting is good preparation for the marriage. If the man is controlled, he should be able to spank his fiancé. This even would reassure her, as you say, of his restraint and inner strength. If they’re concerned about temptation or propriety, he could leave her clothes or her underwear on. But, if he has the necessary resolve, he might as well deliver the spankings with her completely bare. Maybe they advance through those levels as marriage grows closer.

    3. Houselord Avatar

      I understand the hesitation about disrobed spanking before the legal marriage. I do agree with strategoi and Joe about the importance of this, though. It’s good, especially once a couple is engaged, to lay the groundwork before a marriage. A prospective husband should be self-controlled. A prospective wife should be submissive and restrained under her fiance’s leadership. Thus, with respect to aronhusband and others, I think once the couple is engaged they should start practicing for marriage. No sex, I agree. But, if she’s misbehaved, both should get used to, and get practice in, her being spanked and disciplined. Her nudity is a necessary part of the discipline. It should be a comfort to her that her fiance will control him but still deliver the needed punishment.

      1. I think your position here is not the wisdom of the Lord my friend. A couple who is engaged can still change their minds and decide not to get married, they are still not bound to each other in most peoples’ practices. Their nakedness does not yet belong to each other, nakedness in the scriptures is considered a holy thing and it squarely belongs in the marriage bed, not elsewhere. You can wait long enough to actually be married before going that far.

        Betrothal is different than engagement. My husband and I, once firmly deciding to become husband and wife, immediately went to the courthouse that very week to file for our marriage license, and upon getting it, immediately went and made our marriage legally binding. We did this in December, knowing that our actual wedding wouldn’t be until summertime. But we wanted to make sure we were both all in and couldn’t back out before the wedding with all our friends and family. We knew then that we firmly belonged to each other, and yet, we decided we would continue waiting until we stood before all our friends and family and had our wedding to actually consummate things. We did loosen many of our boundaries at that point, because we were bound legally to one another and just as was the case with Joseph and Mary, could not have undone that without actual divorce. But even then we waited for the big things. If you want to have access to a woman’s nakedness, I suggest you formally and irrevocably and legally bind yourself to her in this way first, then you have honored her body in such a way that you can loosen some boundaries too.

        1. That’s very good advice. Thank you.

        2. DarcyNH Avatar

          Blessings, Cresta. Thank you for making such a wonderful point. It’s astounding to me that a man would think he has a right to discipline a fiance who is still technically under her father’s headship. Nakedness between husband and wife happens after the marriage, period. Spanking and discipline is intimate, even if it is not sexual, and that intimacy happens after marriage only. Whether a spanking winds up leading to fornication is almost beside the point because the spanking itself is such an intimate and holy act of marriage.

  3. When we were dating, my husband told me he would like a domestic disciple Marriage, and I consented. I promised to obey him in everything. I think it is important to discuss this before marriage.
    He spanks me with his belt when I am disrespectful.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      That’s great, Natalie. I do have this one article on the importance of making that decision before marriage:

  4. dominant male Avatar
    dominant male

    Hi I’m new to this website. I’m a 23 year old man and I really resonate with the content that is on this website. I just want to say keep up the good work Aaron.

    1. Hello, I’m glad to have you here. Thank you. I hope the website offers you some useful resources.

      1. dominant male Avatar
        dominant male

        Is is it sinful to have anal sex with a wife even if it’s just once every 2 months. Do you see anything wrong with that?

        1. Hello Dominant Male, This question is better suited for pages on the topics it involves.

          For example, I have one on sexual submission here, which is a 2-part series:

          I also write about the sexual relationship here:

          However, I will answer your question here. My view is that, since it is not specifically prohibited in Scripture, that it is not always sinful to practice. That said, anal sex is clearly against the design of the body, and for that reason causes unnecessary pain, and risk of illness and injury. For that reason, husbands should not do it to their wives.

          However, if they do, safe practice, and not doing it very frequently help cut down on the risks.

          I have an article on that topic already written, which I’ll post eventually. Some who believe firmly in a husband’s authority would still say that a wife may refuse anal, because it’s wrong, or overly risky. I see where they are coming from. However, my view is that she ought to simply talk about it with her husband, and help him understand it is harmful, and to avoid it. I don’t think it is worth conflict, or that she should ultimately refuse.

          You do have to wonder why someone would want to involve filth in the marriage bed.

          Take care.

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