Author: aronhusband
The Use of Restraints
The field of wife spanking comes with some common rituals that occur in the large majority of households. When it comes time for a punishment, it is typical for the wife to place herself over her husband’s lap (after undressing of course), or to bend herself over the bed, or a sofa. She remains in…
The Swat Heard Round the World.
One of the most interesting parts of running this discipline website is to see all the places it reaches across the world. As a man who wants discipline to benefit many more marriages, and to help couples in learning to practice it, I am greatly enthused that it gets a decent readership across the globe,…
What a Woman Needs After She is Spanked
I’ve discussed the period of restoration that comes after a spanking before, but I’d like to give an overview of what women need during this sensitive ending to the session. What benefits a woman to receive after the hard time of a spanking is over, but the overall correction is not? She longs to be…
The Answer to Fears
A lot of women going into being a spanked wife still have worries, even if they have decided this is right and good for them. While everyone has fears, and we learn to overcome them, we don’t want them interfering with submission, or making a wife miserable. Fears can’t be an insurmountable obstacle. What’s most…
No . . . Not the Cane!
The cane has been an instrument of civic punishment for millennia, and similarly in schools nearly as long. We can see uses of a literal rod for punishment in ancient Greek and Roman schools, as well as in early China and India. Small, primitive tribes in Africa have been known to use various kinds of…
What Can a Man Do?
I want to answer some of the common questions that men have when they are faced with the possibility of learning to discipline their wives. This might come up because their wives ask them for a spanking, or it might come up because he learned about spanking online and is considering its use. While many…
Readers Poll: How Does Being Spanked Affect You
Welcome to our third Reader’s Poll. It is addressed to the ladies, but husbands can answer about how their wife responds. If you have not practiced spanking in marriage, you are still free to add your thoughts below. Ladies: How does being spanked affect your behavior? I am careful to behave well in the coming…
Use of the Warning
The effects of spanking and the effects of your overall leadership as a husband go hand in hand. This is perhaps nowhere more clear than in finding that warnings do immediate good to change her behavior. They don’t involve having to spank her, but only letting her know she will be spanked if her misdeeds…
Your Place for Singles
I was motivated to write this simply as an invitation to our readers, present and future, to advertise for a spouse if they are single. I’ve had a number of readers ask me about finding a mate, and several specifically asked about finding one here at Spank Your Wife. While singles may put their contacts…
DD Practices I Do Not Use [PART 2]
Part 1 of this topic covers: Counting Strokes, Journaling, Pleasure Denial and Control, Back Door Training, and Safe Words The Cane: While it’s not the most common instrument, more than a few husbands discipline their wives with a cane. For some it is an instrument kept only for the worst of offenses. The rest of…
Keeping Her Bare
Nearly anyone experienced in training a wife will tell you the great asset of keeping her bare. That means keeping her bare for training, not just for making love, or for a spanking. Being undressed is an excellent way for her to learn submission to you, and understand deeply how fully she belongs to you.…
The Mighty Consistency
Perhaps the advice you will hear the most in learning to discipline your wife is the need to be consistent. The dedication that you show by making sure to punish when it is deserved, and not put it off too long, is the backbone of your discipline. You do not go halfway with your leadership…
Loving the Variety
The lovely playing field of Wife Spanking cannot easily be defined. I have my own personal borders for my discipline manual here, but in practice it can include even more practices than I describe, use, or show appreciation for. The wide array of methods in wife spanking is something to be aware of if you…
Steps in Turning a Marriage Around
One of the biggest encouragements in teaching discipline is hearing the stories of marriages that turned around because of spanking. I did not go through that myself, having led my marriage in discipline from the start, but I have had good back and forths with men or women who have had their home life go…
I Hate that Thing: The Loop!
There is a silent, unassuming tool in the wardrobe of the spanking husband. It’s not as threatening (by appearance) as the paddle, or personal as the belt, and even a poor builder could construct one at home. It whips without making noise, and delivers much more fire to her bottom than appearances would suggest. It…
Readers Poll: When do you Spank
I hope you enjoy this little poll about spanking. Men and women can both answer, and even if you do not currently spank in marriage or get spanked, you can still share your thoughts below. When do you spank your wife: Ladies, feel free to answer about when you get spanked.
How to Not Go Overboard
I give a great deal of advice on how to apply discipline in marriage, and get down to many particulars. I want to offer some advice on what not to do, or more specifically how to avoid going overboard with the discipline process. Just as can happen with any system of rules it is possible…
Commands in Sexual Submission
I can never stress enough how helpful intimacy is in heightening a husband’s leadership and a wife’s submission. It helps the partners to learn it better, and it helps a wife sustain and deepen her submission to her man. It even takes her through some of the release and the softening that a spanking over…
Mouth Soaping Instructions
This is another guest article by Mark, a husband who leads his home and spanks his wife. Since the topic is a form of punishment I have never had to use — soaping out the mouth — it is best that another experienced husband write it. I hope you enjoy his perspective and advice. As…
Men Afraid to Give a Spanking that Hurts
One of the difficulties many men face in beginning to discipline their wives is their own fear of giving a spanking that hurts. Just as they often have discomfort in stepping into a clear authority role, they also have discomfort with the idea of “hurting” their wives, even for their own good. IF this is…
Does Work Outside the Home Make Submission More Difficult?
In an era and culture in which most married females work full-time apart from the home, it seems almost exotic or strange to speak on the importance of her place at home, caring for the children, serving her husband, and doing the work of the home. Some claim it is not financially possible to do…
Helping a Wife See Her Responsibility
Part of your work as a leader in applying discipline is to help your wife see her responsibility for her wrongs. When she knows her responsibility, and ceases making excuses, is when she will benefit most from your correction, be it a verbal, or spanking correction. You need to communicate not just what she did…
Getting Started: Three Early Rules
I like to help those who are new to discipline in marriage, and encourage others to try it. One of the first questions a man may have in beginning to discipline his wife, is where to start with rules for the home. What rules should he make? It is easy to get into a trap…
Spanking Polls for Readers
Here is a poll for men and for women. Since I can’t get the polls at WordPress to work, I’ve just written them out, and you can answer them in the comments below if you wish. Feel free to explain. For women:What do you think of spanking? A) I kind of like the idea, but…
There is No Such Thing as a Dom
Man has a natural desire and need of leadership above him. It is built into his soul. We are meant both the lead, and to be led, in different ways and to different levels of completion. This is why it’s far from rare for people to seek out personal spanking relationships outside of their natural…
Discipline and Confession of Sin
Since discipline is one way in which a husband may manage his wife’s bad behavior, it can not be wholly separated from the spiritual life. Nothing in the home can be. Discipline — whether spanking or non-physical — is heavily practical in nature, since it corrects bad attitudes and behavior, and keeps them from harming…
Spanking vs. Pacifist Punishment
I am not a discipline pacifist. I recognize the use of gentle punishments, the kinds such as writing lines, or grounding, but in my experience and examination of the subject, spanking is greatly superior. Many men who spank their wives would agree. They’d see some of the same strengths that spanking has, and which they’ve…
Discipline Turns Around a Marriage
This is a guest article by Mark, who brought spanking into his marriage after it had started, and during a time of difficulty. Since having difficulty, and introducing discipline some time into a marriage, are both common situations, this is a topic I thought would greatly benefit the readers here, and anyone else who might…
Practical Submission
Even for a woman who desires to be submissive for her husband, living that submission and responding with it daily, can be a challenge. It becomes much more of a challenge for women who have soaked heavily in the current culture, and learned a lifestyle of complete autonomy, and ideas of womanhood that are more…
Oral Training for Your Wife
One of the greatest signs of a harmonious marriage, and a beautifully submitted wife is that they share their bodies freely with one another. A wife does not hold back herself physically, and a husband knows he can enjoy his wife when he desires. In contrast, one of the signs of a marriage with conflict,…
Preparing to Give a Spanking
Don’t go into giving a spanking as a spontaneous affair. On nearly every occasion a man should have a clear idea of how he will perform the discipline of his wife when he needs to spank her. It may be possible that a man could take care of discipline well spontaneously, if he finds she…
Spankings Happen Here Part 2: On the Road Again
I wrote an article at the start of this discipline manual on the rooms that spankings usually take place. It’s not a major matter when it comes to discipline, but it’s interesting to see what people choose, and why they prefer one room for discipline rather than another. The bedroom is most common. Others may…
High Gear and Intensive Training
Much of what a husband does in leading his beloved wife amounts to training her. He shapes her to have a right attitude, leads her growth in virtue. Corrects her with gentle words, and with punishments. He aims to make her blossom as a submissive wife and woman of God. As one of the men…
Tenderbutts and Domestic Discipline
There is a phenomenon in domestic discipline I’ve wanted to write about for a long time now. I call that phenomenon: the Tenderbutts. If you haven’t met them yet you will. No, it’s not wives with very sensitive bottoms. It’s not even people who love a more sensitive brand of wife spanking. It is those…
The Enforcer: Keeping an Instrument of Fear
Marital discipline is meant to keep a wife in line, and a spanking should be undesirable, and a thing to be feared. Often this is the case. Other times a woman does not want to get the message, and the attraction of disobedience, or personal pleasure convince her to do wrong is worth it, and…
It was Worth the Wait
One common denominator around most spankings is that there is a wait involved. The wait may be out of necessity, as it is inconvenient or impossible to give the spanking at the moment. The wait may also be intentional, so as to give the wife more time to think about her situation, and to regret…
Discipline and Forgiveness
Discipline and forgiveness are treated like mortal enemies by some. Confused Christians view them as mutually exclusive even in the Bible, and often in their personal lives too. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Perhaps the biggest question the Christian has with discipline is this — if I am taught to forgive by…
Description of Discipline for Lateness
One of the earliest lessons for my wife to learn when we married was to be responsible with showing up on time. She knew this was important to me, but she had been raised without a lot of care for being punctual, and her peers weren’t much into it either. Getting her out of the…
Facing Your First Spanking
I’ve written about giving your wife her first spanking, and I’d like to share a few insights into the wife receiving her first spanking. It can be an intimidating moment for some, and make them wonder if there is any way out of it. Fear and pain are the first things on their mind. That’s…
Discipline Practices I Do NOT Use, and Ones I Discourage
Husbands who have been leading in discipline for even a short while learn that you are making decisions from early on in building your discipline system, and in how you spank. You learn from trial and error, from imagination, from hearing from other couples and their unique practices. Over time you develop your accepted standards,…
The Duty of the Marriage Bed
This online manual is purposed to give guidance and advise about marital spanking. A spanking is one part of a discipline system, which is only one part of the husband’s leadership, which is only one large part of marriage as a whole. So while I write here on disciplining your wife, I also want to…
Why I Chose Spanking for my Marriage
I decided to use spanking as a discipline tool in my marriage for a variety of reasons. It was always my plan, and it was a practice I told my wife about before we were married, and while we were still discussing elements of a possible coming union. I was comfortable, and confident in talking…
I’m Counting on You!
It’s almost a stereotype in spanking to imagine the person being spanked counting out the strokes, one at a time. Perhaps repeating — I will not [fill in the blank] ever again, sir. This fits in with the notion that every crime receives a certain number of strokes, the unfortunate receiver would find out the…
Do You Still Beat Your Wife?
I have never beaten my wife, therefore I cannot logically continue to beat her. You can not continue to do what you have never done. I do however spank her when she needs it.
Jesus Says Spanking is Bad, M’Kay (Part 2 of 2)
Spanking wives among Christians of a past era, was not very rare, and not always hidden. There was a time when not every believer thought they needed to nurture a Mister Rogers image all the time. They understood that Christ’s meekness came with strength. They understood that their roles, whether as husbands and fathers, or…
Spanking is Bad, M’Kay (Part 1 of 2)
Most people who practice wife spanking aren’t overly swayed by the opinions of the culture. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be doing it in the first place. However, the opinions of the culture do demand the practice is usually private, and often the culture demonizes those who discipline their wives. For that reason, I want to take…
What Makes an Effective Spanking
If you are leading your home in discipline, or if you are the one receiving discipline, it is natural to ask if spankings are accomplishing what they’re meant to accomplish. The husband is giving them for a desired purpose. How do you know if a spanking is effective? You might ask that about an individual…
Leading Her with Words
I emphasize throughout this manual that spanking your wife is only a tool in leading her. It is not what leading is all about. To make spanking the main way of guiding your wife would be imbalanced and leave her wanting. The daily, regular way of leading, and correcting is with words. Words reach her…
Pleasuring Her Man After the Spanking
The following contains explicit content. If you find that offensive you may want to skip it: It would be impossible to discuss the ancient art of wife spanking without noting that the end of the discipline is often punctuated with sex. This is not true of everyone, but it is true of many, and seems…
When She Wants to Get Punished
A phenomenon many men are familiar with is the wife that does something just so she can get into trouble and be spanked. Usually, it’s something minor, but enough to get her husband’s attention and some time over his knee. This is usually referred to in domestic discipline as bratting, but just think of it…
Reinforcing Love During Discipline
Authority and submission are what are naturally reinforced during a spanking session, and many husbands have rituals that help to firmly establish them in the mind — the wife’s kneeling posture. Her calling him sir, or a similar term of authority. Her needing to be bare. I’ve written on various ways that sessions commonly emphasize…
Should I Tell Someone We Spank?
It is natural to want to talk about discipline with others, to share encouragement and support, and also to share difficulties, and to seek needed help. This is especially true of the woman, who is dealing with the harder end of the practice, and may want encouragement in learning submission, or in dealing with punishments.…
Description of Discipline for Arguing
It is not common that my wife is argumentative with me, and occasionally if she starts, I can let her know she should not continue, and she listens carefully. Rarely, I have to punish her her for arguing. Her recent discipline happened because she persisted in arguing with me in front of the children, over…
What Damage to Expect
For those starting out on their discipline journey, there is some hesitation, or fear about the physical damage it might cause. Neither husband nor wife want a spanking to result in serious injury, and they also will be seeing the bright, and sometimes colorful results of spankings very soon. It would be wrong not to…
Is Spanking Only for Surly Women?
It’s keen to notice that even those who are accepting of wife spanking tend to think it’s useful only for surly women, or for those who otherwise love it. A man considering spanking for his marriage may think the same way — if she’s got bad attitude I will use it, if not, forget it.…
Thank You for the Spanking, Sir
It is natural and common after a spanking for husbands to expect their wives to thank them for the correction they’ve just received. This is a simple verbal — thank you, sir — that she can express her gratitude with. You will find that this is the norm in many homes, but also that some…
Keep Her Mouth Clean
One tool of discipline in many marriages is mouth-soaping. This is the required punishment for various kinds of filthy talk from the wife, to give her a lesson on being clean. In my own home, I have never had a problem with my wife using bad language, cuss words, lewd talk or anything like that,…
Sex in Submission (Part 2 of 2)
This article contains explicit content. If you find that inappropriate you may not want to read it: Serving Him: One of the simplest and well known ways to help a woman grow in submission and in yielding to her man is to have her regularly give oral sex. She should be comfortable kneeling before him,…
Sex in Submission (Part 1 of 2)
The following contains explicit content. If you find that offensive you may want to skip it: You sometimes find people scratching their heads as to why spanking is such a sexual act, or trying to figure out why men love to smack some butt when they are making love to their wives. Where does this…
Safe Words and Marital Spanking
I believe in basic safety when practicing discipline. However I am not a big supporter of the use of the “safe word.” The safe word, which is ubiquitous in the bdsm world, and which can be found less commonly in marital spanking, is a word a wife can say if a spanking is getting too…
Signs You Are Not Doing Discipline Right
I do my best here to give you a picture of what marital discipline looks like, providing you some of the essentials of the practice, as well as a perspective and advice on the non-essentials. In this piece I’d like to examine some problems that come up, that often reflect that you are doing things…
Starting Discipline in the Home
Once you have decided to correct your wife with spanking, your next step is to put this into practice in the home. Some of this may amount to establishing clear leadership and rules in the home, if you have not done that already. For others, it my simply amount to starting to enforce the rules…
In Favor of a Sore Backside
There are legitimately many varieties of spanking a husband can give as head of the home. One element of spanking that I try to always include, is that my wife will be feeling it the next day. It will be a thorough enough punishment that she will have some soreness, and aching on the backside.…
The Silent Treatment
The need to keep activities quiet during a spanking is common to most households. Spanking itself is a noisy affair, between the swatting a bare backside and the cries of the lady’s mouth. Families with children, or couples in the flimsier kind of apartments find they need some way to lessen the sounds, those coming…
Description of a Discipline Session
Let me give you a review of a recent discipline session I had with my wife, and which was very successful. As I sometimes do, I used it to correct her in several areas, in large part because I didn’t have to time to address each individually. That is my own fault. I disciplined her…
Asking Your Man to Spank You
Most of what I write is aimed toward the head of the home, who is the man. Here I want to engage a common difficulty for women: that is how do they get their man to start spanking them. I talk on this topic from both ends in my piece on bringing discipline into your…
Woman Uncovered
Nearly anyone can figure out that a spanking in marriage involves a bare bottom. I imagine there are a few exceptional homes where clothing is included, but it would be hard to find. There are more than a few wives who wish they could keep that thing covered during discipline when they are anxiously awaiting…
That Really Hits the Spot
A spanking is given on a woman’s bottom. It is not for anywhere else. Corporal punishment can conjure up images of civic punishments such as flogging, or as medieval experiences like you can see in the leather crowd, but marital spanking just uses the bottom as the place of punishment. If you get very far…
It’s a Wonderful Life
I would like for others to have what I have. I may not have a flawlessly perfect marriage, but it is wonderful and happy and peaceful. We seek to live out what God teaches us in His Word and do it as a family. I want that for others, and I truly hate to see…
Varying the Heat
Spankings need not be exactly the same severity each time. In fact it can be detrimental if they are. Just as it can be helpful to vary certain parts of the spanking — such as the location, or her state of undress — it’s helpful to vary the harshness of the spanking. That’s not just…
Resistance During a Spanking
Talk to nearly anyone in domestic discipline, from the newer to most experienced, and they will tell you they sometimes have to deal with resistance while they are giving a spanking. It is not easy to receive the pain of swats on the bottom, or deal with the fear of the punishment, especially if trust…
What Men Need to Learn
This essay isn’t about what men need to learn about spanking. It’s really about what men need to learn about their leadership in the home, so they can later see how spanking falls into place. I write it especially because of the number of women who have tried to tell their husbands they need that…
Speak to Her Soul
Often times when I have my wife over my knee, I find my words to her many times more effective than if I had spoken to her normally. My wife hears and takes to heart my words very well and quickly if she is being spanked. Where at other times she might think she could…
What’s the Frequency
It is very common to be asked by those interested in spanking how often I spank. Others ask this too, but it provides the new beginner a picture of what seems normal in the practice, and he can work our what he does better when he’s got an idea in his head. What you’ll find…