Category: leadership

  • Do Men Need a Spanking Too?

    In discussing the chastisement of wives, it often comes up that the husband, who delivers the chastisement, is badly behaved himself. Doesn’t he need a spanking too? Before long, you could hear a chorus of “yes” from the bulk of humanity, who know human behavior well enough, along with many cheers and chants to wild…

  • Managing Your Wife: Responsibilities and Procrastination

    Surely one of the commonest areas that wives need their husband’s guidance is in taking care of their responsibilities. He is going to decide on what some of them are, and he is going to give her some rules in getting them done. He’s going to set some deadlines with matters. Dismissing her responsibilities, and…

  • Practical Headship

    It is easy to speak in big and broad language about a man’s headship in marriage. It takes getting into smaller matters to really put it into practice. Just as we’ve looked at how a woman can live out her submission towards her husband daily, I want to spend some time with how a man…

  • The Number One Thing I Hear from Readers

    I regularly have conversations with readers who are interested in having discipline in their marriages, or who already have it. I work with some of their problems, and do my best to help guide them to overcome any obstacles. I help prepare them for marriage in the future. I hear their complaints and suggestions. However,…

  • Managing Your Wife: Eating and Health

    This is Part 3 in the Managing Your Wife series, which has dealt previously with emotional outbursts, and finances. It is almost a stereotype that after a couple has been married for some years, the wife balloons up in size, and makes herself quite unattractive to him, and quite unhealthy. You don’t have to look…

  • Keeping Wife and Home Free of Negative Influences

    The influences of the world are heavily against male headship and against godly living. These influences need to be kept out of the home in general, and specifically away from your wife. Worldly influences usually will make her submission more difficult for her, but also take her away from virtue and holiness. The very purity…

  • Managing Your Wife: Emotional Outbursts

    This is part of a series called Managing Your Wife. You can read the first articles on Finances right here. I am writing in response to the concerns of one of our readers, who wanted some insight on a wife’s emotional outbursts, and how a husband can deal with them. Said outbursts were her own, but considering they were…

  • Is Spanking Only for Macho Men?

    Since authority and discipline are matters which involve such strength, it is easy to imagine that men who command their wives, and correct them with a spanking, are the macho type of males. It draws to mind the stronger, or obviously assertive men. Some men have a knack for telling others what to do and…

  • Managing Your Wife: Finances

    This is the first part in a series on managing the wife. It will focus on setting standards for the home, and leading her in marriage life, with further discussion on when discipline may be needed. Some of these topics I’ve gone over before, others will be new. One domain in which a husband will…

  • How to be Meek from a Position of Authority

    The role of the husband is one of a number of important leadership positions in human society. It exists alongside positions such as heads of government, employers, and parents. Like any other authority, it is drawn from God’s authority and established by Him. It draws its basic patterns and legitimacy from His being. Society has…

  • Learn from Experienced Spanking Husbands

    When I was new and growing as a spanking husband, I found I gained much from interaction with other husbands who disciplined their wives. No amount of bad material that is out there prevents us from finding some good advice, and it didn’t prevent me. I hope many of our readers, especially the men, are…

  • How Spanking Makes Men Better Leaders

    We often hear about how spanking can build a woman’s submission, or better her in other ways. I write regularly about that topic myself. I believe we hear a little less about how spanking his wife helps a husband in his role. This element deserves more than passing mention, and is of great significance in…

  • What Men Need to Learn

    This essay isn’t about what men need to learn about spanking. It’s really about what men need to learn about their leadership in the home, so they can later see how spanking falls into place. I write it especially because of the number of women who have tried to tell their husbands they need that…

  • What Men Need to Learn

    This essay isn’t about what men need to learn about spanking. It’s really about what men need to learn about their leadership in the home, so they can later see how spanking falls into place. I write it especially because of the number of women who have tried to tell their husbands they need that…