Category: submission

  • My Wife Gives Advice on Submission in Marriage

    At long last, I present you with an article by my beloved wife. It has taken her a while to write it, since she does not compose or write as quickly as I do. Readers have been asking to read something by her for years, and I am happy to oblige. Her article offers women…

  • A Submissive Wife’s Testimony and Advice

    This testimony comes from a letter sent to me by a reader, who has agreed with her husband to let me post it. I believe her testimony is valuable to other couples, in how it shows that she is learning submission, and becoming more feminine, with the help of her husband’s leadership and discipline. Her…

  • Wives Letting Go

    Women go through a process of letting go when they learn to submit to their man, and be corrected. Taking that position of submission is harder for women who have been raised in modern western values, or who have been allowed by their parents to live selfish, egoistic lives. However, it can be challenging to…

  • When the Man Gets it Wrong

    Being submissive to anyone presents unique challenges. It requires humility, great trust, and a unique way of doing things, since you won’t be in the driver’s seat, or making the decisions. One common fear, and a problem every wife will face, is when a husband makes a mistake, or does something wrong. He is the…

  • When Can a Woman Say No to Her Husband?

    I write a great deal in my essays here about a woman’s obedience, and the good that correction can do for her. I give plenty of detailed instructions and advice on marital spanking. That does not mean there is never a call for a wife to object to a command, or to refuse. Not at…