Tag: hard spanking

  • The Number One Thing I Hear from Readers

    I regularly have conversations with readers who are interested in having discipline in their marriages, or who already have it. I work with some of their problems, and do my best to help guide them to overcome any obstacles. I help prepare them for marriage in the future. I hear their complaints and suggestions. However,…

  • Common Difficulties in Starting Spanking

    Couples who introduce authority and discipline to their marriage, whether at the start, or years after getting married, are likely to run into many of the same hurdles in getting started, as well as in seeing the rewards. Good fruit will nearly always come from headship and discipline in the long run, but there will…

  • That Tender Early Period

    As many couples are beginning their journey into marital discipline, they experience with some excitement, as well as trepidation, that early period of learning. For a wife that frequently means more spankings than usual, as she gets used to her husband’s rules and expectations. For a husband, it means some amount of experimentation, of deciding…

  • A Wife’s First Spanking

    Even a wife who knows that she will be spanked, and who firmly believes in spanking, will feel some hesitancy the first time she awaits going over her husband’s knee. That’s especially true if she was never spanked before, or perhaps if she was spanked as a child, it was so long ago she still…

  • Men Afraid to Give a Spanking that Hurts

    One of the difficulties many men face in beginning to discipline their wives is their own fear of giving a spanking that hurts. Just as they often have discomfort in stepping into a clear authority role, they also have discomfort with the idea of “hurting” their wives, even for their own good. IF this is…

  • Realizing Your Authority

    One of the difficulties men have in taking on headship over their wives, and also in disciplining them, is in realizing the true authority they have. This may also be a challenge for men who understand they have headship, and believe in it intellectually or spiritually, but have seen headship softened to the extent they…

  • Discipline Turns Around a Marriage

    This is a guest article by Mark, who brought spanking into his marriage after it had started, and during a time of difficulty. Since having difficulty, and introducing discipline some time into a marriage, are both common situations, this is a topic I thought would greatly benefit the readers here, and anyone else who might…