Tag: nudity

  • Managing Your Wife: Rules for Apparel

    This is Part 4 of a series on Managing Your Wife. This series already includes sections on handling finances, emotional outbursts, and eating and health. I have written briefly before about setting standards for a wife’s apparel in the context of good rules to start with early in marriage. It is imperative to establish a…

  • Is Spanking a Childish Punishment?

    One apparent obstacle to accepting spanking is that people associate it today only with punishing children. Some people never punish children that way, but it is still firmly associated with it in their minds anyway. It is sometime asked as an innocent yet serious question, and other times as an attempt at ridicule, whether spanking…

  • Spanking is Not a Lifestyle

    It is easy for the new married couple to take time to adapt to having discipline in their marriage. In fact, to apply it to your life, for a husband to lead and correct his wife, and for a wife to follow him fully and with her whole heart, takes understanding and is aided by…

  • Learn from Experienced Spanking Husbands

    When I was new and growing as a spanking husband, I found I gained much from interaction with other husbands who disciplined their wives. No amount of bad material that is out there prevents us from finding some good advice, and it didn’t prevent me. I hope many of our readers, especially the men, are…

  • Is It Wrong if I Enjoy Spanking?

    Men and women involved in wife spanking sometimes get the idea that it’s wrong for them to enjoy spanking at all. If there were any level of enjoyment, it is no longer discipline, the logic suggests. They likewise might think that finding some satisfaction in this intimate act of chastisement means they are doing it…

  • That Group Thing

    I have a healthy respect for the variety that exists in marital discipline. However, I want to warn about one aberrant practice that you find in some spanking homes. This is the use of onlookers during a spanking, or even of having others come in and perform the spanking. I make mention of this in…

  • On Standing Her in the Corner

    When I began spanking in marriage, I did not have much use for the tradition of giving a punished wife time in the corner when she is spanked. I appreciated the need for her to think about her deeds, and to await punishment simply by having her wait for her punishment, usually kneeling before the…

  • Reinforcing Authority During Discipline

    Most husbands make sure that a discipline session reinforces their authority, and their wife’s submission in more ways that just the lecture and spanking. Each husband may have his own practices, or rituals, but nearly all make sure that reinforcement besides the spanking is there. The way he speaks to her, the way she needs…

  • Better to be Safe and Sorry

    It is extremely difficult to cause any serious injury during an ordinary spanking, but the matter of safety in discipline still should be discussed. Since a man is delivering punishment on his wife’s bare flesh, he needs to be aware of what he is doing, and be concerned he causes no lasting harm. Ordinary marks…

  • Starting Discipline in the Home

    Once you have decided to correct your wife with spanking, your next step is to put this into practice in the home. Some of this may amount to establishing clear leadership and rules in the home, if you have not done that already. For others, it my simply amount to starting to enforce the rules…

  • Woman Uncovered

    Nearly anyone can figure out that a spanking in marriage involves a bare bottom. I imagine there are a few exceptional homes where clothing is included, but it would be hard to find. There are more than a few wives who wish they could keep that thing covered during discipline when they are anxiously awaiting…

  • Non-Spanking Discipline

    No one should feel limited to using spankings as the only form of discipline. You will find that some households use non-spanking discipline together with spanking, and others uniquely gear their correction around non-spanking methods. While I have used spanking from the start of my marriage, and would not go back, I have supplemented it…