Tag: submissive wife

  • Preemptive Spanking

    In many homes spanking are used for more than a punishment. They can serve a variety of purposes in training, some of which I have discussed before when it comes to training or “maintenance” discipline. One further use, which might fit into the umbrella of training, is a preemptive use: that means you give a…

  • My Wife Gives Advice on Submission in Marriage

    At long last, I present you with an article by my beloved wife. It has taken her a while to write it, since she does not compose or write as quickly as I do. Readers have been asking to read something by her for years, and I am happy to oblige. Her article offers women…

  • Marital Discipline, Family, and the Home in India

    This is another guest article from a lady Indian reader. It is a description of marriage and discipline in traditional Hindu culture in India, as well as details of her own personal home life. It speaks a great deal about what home life is like, both as a child growing up and in marriage. While…

  • Reader’s Poll: How Did You Introduce Discipline?

    Welcome to another Readers Poll. You can give your answer in the comments below. When you introduced discipline to your marriage, how did you bring up the topic? If you have not married, how do you plan to? You can find most of the articles here divided by general subject matter at the About Page.

  • What is Spank Your Wife?

    I’ve been surprised and very gracious at the number of visitors I’ve had at Spank Your Wife, including those who sincerely want to learn, and improve their marriages. I’ve also been greatly blessed to correspond at length with some of you. For first-time visitors though, it still may be unclear the overall purpose of the…

  • Instrument Ratings

    There is only so much to say about the instruments used in spanking. I have given a general overview of instruments before, and written a number of different instrument highlights, including on the belt, the paddle, the loopy, and the cane. I’ve written on hand spanking before as well. I write this piece as a…

  • Is Spanking Only for Macho Men?

    Since authority and discipline are matters which involve such strength, it is easy to imagine that men who command their wives, and correct them with a spanking, are the macho type of males. It draws to mind the stronger, or obviously assertive men. Some men have a knack for telling others what to do and…

  • Where is Your Consent God Now?

    There is very public attention given to the need for consent in making a deed right, rather than wrong. It is nearly a litany of the modern era to say — if two consenting adults do it, then I don’t have a problem with it. This is the ham sandwich of the modern diet, and…

  • There’s That Maintenance Thing

    I regularly hear from readers, and likewise from married men and women about maintenance spanking, with opinions both for and against. I’ve put out an article uniquely on this topic before, and I want to address a few related points. Maintenance rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but is also a common practice,…

  • Traditional Marriage and Wife Spanking in India

    This is a testimony from one of our female Indian readers about upbringing and marriage in traditional Indian, and Hindu families. Her husband has also helped me a great deal in understanding how marriage and family works there. This experience does not reflect every family in India, where in certain places western values have taken…

  • Trust

    Besides faith, trust is perhaps most core to a traditional marriage. To practice headship, submission, and the discipline that comes along with it requires trust in God and in your spouse. Both man and wife have an easy ability to do wrong, to cause harm, to intentionally slight the other, and even to dynamite the…

  • Poll: What’s the Most Common Infraction

    Welcome to another Reader’s Poll, ladies and gentlemen. This time the question for men is: What behavior do you need to spank your wife for most often? Women can answer: What do you do that gets you spanked the most? Feel free to explain, and add any insight you like. You can find most of…

  • Mr. Light Hand

    Some people refer to marital discipline with the term — taken in hand — which is an expression I like, because it connotes the leadership as well as protection a wife has in being in her husband’s hands. That hand of protection, and correction, doesn’t always need to be hard though. While I believe that…

  • Description of a Discipline for Bad Mouth

    My wife and I walked into our quiet apartment after our trip. Coming home from about a week away, we took time to put our bags down, and put away a few of the more important things. We talked on the couch a few minutes on our trip and about the coming  day. Then I…

  • How Spanking Cleanses a Woman

    Much can be said about spanking’s punitive abilities, or its deterrent effect. In fact, those are some of the first things we think of when we think of punishment of any kind, and one of the first things that comes to mind with spanking, along with its intimacy and nudity announcing it as profound marital…

  • Readers Poll: How Does Being Spanked Affect You

    Welcome to our third Reader’s Poll. It is addressed to the ladies, but husbands can answer about how their wife responds. If you have not practiced spanking in marriage, you are still free to add your thoughts below. Ladies: How does being spanked affect your behavior? I am careful to behave well in the coming…

  • Consent in a Spanking Marriage

    The subject of consent comes up immediately for nearly anyone if the subject is disciplining wives. We understand intuitively from our sense of fairness that consent in some form must be given. A spanking is something that most people do not desire. In the moment, they may in fact absolutely not want to experience it.…

  • Feel Like a Natural Woman

    A brief word to the women who desire discipline in their marriage: You are a normal woman and your desire is normal. A woman who wants to experience her man’s strength, including in discipline, is a natural woman. It’s good you want to get spanked. You may be surrounded by friends and peers who think…

  • Description of a Paddle Discipline

    This article describing a paddle discipline I’ve given could easily be called a description of a serious, or a harsh discipline. That’s because in our home I keep the paddle for the more serious kinds of punishments, for the worse offenses. In other homes, the paddle might be the normal mode of punishment, but I…

  • Description of Discipline for Lateness

    One of the earliest lessons for my wife to learn when we married was to be responsible with showing up on time. She knew this was important to me, but she had been raised without a lot of care for being punctual, and her peers weren’t much into it either. Getting her out of the…

  • Description of Discipline for Arguing

    It is not common that my wife is argumentative with me, and occasionally if she starts, I can let her know she should not continue, and she listens carefully. Rarely, I have to punish her her for arguing. Her recent discipline happened because she persisted in arguing with me in front of the children, over…

  • If You Want This For Your Marriage

    For many men and women it is attractive to have spanking in their marriage, and they would like to know how to approach it with a future mate. It seems like a dream, but very counter cultural, especially as a form of discipline. They love the power exchange of a spanking. The excitement. The effective…

  • Description of a Discipline Session

    Let me give you a review of a recent discipline session I had with my wife, and which was very successful. As I sometimes do, I used it to correct her in several areas, in large part because I didn’t have to time to address each individually. That is my own fault. I disciplined her…

  • Who is Getting Spanked?

    According to most imaginations, women who get spanked must be very meek, tepid ladies who can be easily bossed around by their husbands. The stereotype for the religiously motivated is that the tail thrashings must go to a few fundamental southern grandmas and long-skirt wearing homeschool moms. Yet discipline is practiced  upon women of all…

  • Restoring Her After a Spanking

    That period immediately after giving your wife a spanking is especially sensitive. You still have some talking to do with her, but it won’t be too easy for her. A freshly spanked wife is usually a bit more than flustered. She could still have tears, many thoughts could be going through her mind, and her…

  • How to Introduce Spanking in Your Marriage

    I introduced discipline into my marriage from the start. That means I explained discipline to her before marriage and while we were still going out. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It was important for us to discuss the nature of marriage, and we were both agreed on the man’s role as the…

  • What Does a Spanking Sound Like

    Since much discussion is given online about the nature of spanking, its instruments, its purposes, its methods, I want to help the reader by showing what a good spanking sounds like. Not the sound of the instrument, but the spanking lecture which is always present when I give punishment, and when most others do as…

  • Crime & Punishment: What to Spank For

    For those who have never used real authority in the home, or established rules, it may seem odd to have them, and not clear on what you enforce. This is natural to being unfamiliar, not just with spanking, but with headship and discipline in general. I’m not going to get into all of the standards…

  • Spanking in its Rightful Place

    It seems for both those who are interested in spanking and those who are disinterested in it, there are common misunderstandings about what spanking in a relationship is really about. These misunderstandings can lead one to greatly misuse spanking, or to wrongly dismiss it as a pointless practice. I want to clear some of that…

  • Welcome and Learning Discipline

    Welcome. This is a website devoted to teaching marital discipline, or wife spanking as some call it. I hope to provide advice, instructions, and knowledge about how to use spanking in your marriage relationship. I will draw from personal experience and many years of using discipline in the home, but it is not a personal…