Wife Spanking vs. BDSM

When discussing wife spanking in its various forms, someone always asks whether this is the same kind of thing as BDSM, which most people recognize as the whips n’ chains thing. How is this differentiated from the well-known persona of the leather world, or dungeons, or people who sign slave contracts? To tell you the truth, I don’t think it should be too hard to tell the difference between a husband calling his lovely wife into the bedroom, turning her over his knee and spanking her and the often outside-of-marriage, highly sexualized world of BDSM. It is just a normal marriage in which the wife is spanked. It does not involve someone dressed in special theatrical outfits yelling at another or treating the other like a dog. I sincerely believe that in over 90% of the instances, an average viewer could tell the difference easily.

However, it is also clear that there are practices which cross over between the two disciplines, if you will. They both use corporal punishment. So there’s that big umbrella to cover the two practices. They both involve SOME form of formal authority and submission. They both include rules. A session of either one will usually include quite a bit of crying, if not shrieks from the unfortunate person being punished. Naturally this overlap leads to some questions about whether they are the same, despite their outward differences. If they are different, then how so?

While there may be no answer which satisfies everyone, I find their differences are strong enough to qualify them as separate practices, and I would encourage those who desire discipline to learn from good domestic discipline sites, rather than BDSM or S/M. One clear difference is that BDSM ventures often, if not most of the time, into more extreme forms of punishment. This includes punishments that are more severely painful, and some which are much more damaging to the body. This spectrum includes harming people in ways they invented the term — get medieval on you — to describe. I cannot imagine that world being a safe place to learn about discipline or practice it.

The BDSM world is also more likely to have a fixation on pain, meaning on increasing it. Outside of the right context of loving discipline in marriage, people need to find other meaning in the punishment experience. One of these is the importance of pain. This is not merely making a punishment painful enough to be a deterrent, but specifically aiming for extremely high pain, often increasing the level. This is why “safe words” are common in the BDSM world, as it gives a special word the submissive can use to end an extremely painful experience. But isn’t giving your wife a spanking painful anyway? Sure it is, but the focus is not on height of pain or increasing it. The focus is on deterrent, reminder, and improvement of behavior. You’re not out to set records in pain.

The BDSM world also comes across as having only a loose hold on what really makes headship, and what really makes discipline. This can be seen in so many ways. Beyond the extremes it goes with punishment and pain, there is also a heavier emphasis on sex and sexuality. Fashion also takes hold, as many who practice BDSM regularly like to have the trendy gear, outfits, and other clothing. This steers a couple far away from the core purpose of discipline as well. Most people who simply spank their wives also find there is a sexual element, but it is not nearly as boldly present as it is with BDSM, nor is it often portrayed publicly. The BDSM world oozes sexuality, and it does so in an open and public way. Many turn sex itself into an SM act, and find pain during sex now becomes normal.

As far as public presentation, it can’t be ignored that it’s not uncommon in BDSM to practice it with others outside of the marriage, making what is meant to be private and special to the couple a group experience instead. This element, by itself, makes the leather culture a poor place to investigate or learn about discipline. It is not rooted in what is good, but is an imbalanced combination of things, which are in part discipline, and in part a complete mockery of it. Leadership and submission get taken to the extreme of master and slave, punishment becomes more about pain and damage than loving discipline. Some practices are simply dangerous to the body. It is — though I realize there is some variety within the culture — a complete circus.

I have known people in the past who lived out BDSM for years. I realize that some of them do actually get married, and others do at least have affectionate long-term relationships. However, be that as it may, the form of discipline practiced is not rooted in love, and is imbalanced in its elements. Simple wife spanking within a loving marriage is a very different practice, and should not be classified the same. Before being different because of any unique characteristic, it is different because it is rooted in what is good, strong, and stable; that is marriage, love within godly bounds, and discipline with the betterment of the wife and the home as a goal. To put it in other words, wife spanking has different characteristics because its heart is different. Its foundation is different. No amount if similarities will change that, and with few exceptions, the average person can tell the difference.

That said, there are those within the world of “domestic discipline” who seem to masquerade as a part of the safer DD world, but in actuality practice what is easily recognizable as BDSM. They are not hard to find out. However, you will see if you spend time reading or interacting with the DD crowd, that they recognize those people as being aberrant, if not imposters. They do not represent the norm at all, and I would say are just being dishonest by portraying themselves as DD.

Differences in brief:

Wife spanking (DD)

Founded on a lifelong loving marriage

Practiced within the bounds of not causing injury
Relatively little “gear” beyond spanking instruments

Spanking is done on the bottom, or occasionally the spot just below it

No particular fashion (other than the wife being undressed)

Is typically done privately

Is for the purpose of bettering the wife and improving the home

No particular emphasis on achieving higher levels of pain


Practiced in all kinds of relationships, including outside of marriage

Not uncommonly uses forms of punishment that cause more than surface injury

Commonly uses gear, such as bondage gear, collars, etc.

Spanking is done on many areas besides the bottom, including back, legs, front, breasts, genitals

Often comes with fashions, leather outfits, special clothing

Not uncommonly is done publicly before other BDSM practitioners

Sometimes is for the purpose of bettering a loved one, other times simply for punishment, pain, or sex

Often seeks to reach higher levels of pain, to see what can be given and what can be taken


13 responses to “Wife Spanking vs. BDSM”

  1. […] or pain.Marital spanking is no a dungeon. Nor is it meant to imitate much of what occurs in the S/M scene. The purpose is to enforce discipline, better behavior, and help establish leadership and […]

  2. […] of women. Some people also hide their love for extreme practices, such as those found in forms of BDSM, under the guise of domestic discipline, and its safer reputation and more wholesome feel. It can […]

  3. jezebel Avatar

    The difference between BDSM and domestic abuse? Easy. Consent.

    1. Fran Reid Avatar
      Fran Reid

      Spanking on a wife’s bottom is not abuse. Every wife needs it. Just on the bottom bare by her Husband in private.

  4. […] want to find a way to quickly be part of one. They long for the excitement of a spanking. In the bdsm community it is even more common for such ties to form apart from marriage, with one partner […]

  5. […] you to punish in the cruelest, or most medieval kind of way. A good spanking husband does not mimic the bdsm world. He is not going after extremes of pain. He simply knows how to correct a bad girl, and that a […]

  6. Fran Reid Avatar
    Fran Reid

    BDSM also has power exchange where men enjoy being spanked and humiliated if it’s something they enjoy. It’s a strange world. BDSM isn’t something HoH and I could ever be part of and be able to live we Christians as HoH doesn’t believe Gay or same sex spanking relationships are valid and men should not be spanked. We both follow the bible, I follow him. It’s wrong what these BDSM people are doing

    1. I agree. Bdsm is a deeply unstable world, and not rooted in the Word of God. It’s clear there are some surface similarities, but nearly anything goes in that world, including immorality. Unfortunately that is what many people researching discipline will run into. I’m glad there is also a presence online for Christian discipline in marriage, and the vision it presents. Blessings.

      1. Fran Reid Avatar
        Fran Reid

        Oh me too Sir. I thought we were the odd ones out in our community but this particular blog had been a god send as many online CDD marriage sites and blogs delve into violent and perverse sexual territory , (backdoor entry, plugs and figging or men ordering their wives spank them aswell)

        1. I’m very glad to be able to provide good territory for you to learn. I don’t endorse that stuff, but I do allow a limited amount in the comments.

          1. That’s fair Sir. I’d be very happy to share some of our spanking stories and how they helped me in my role as a Christian wife and Mother. With the stigma attached even in the most traditional Churches today on Men in marriage it’s rather discouraging to see so many strong would be leaders in their homes be told something that fits the PC narrative of today and I feel very upset by this. It’s a blessing to a Husband who is opposed to these people pleasing ideas that are not from the bible and whim I can talk to about it. We both agree it’s appalling in the Church and pray for the church the way we pray for all those who are believers of the word but not doers. I love praying with my Husband. I love when he chooses what we study and our devotionals. He has a great group of online friends he zoom calls during these Covid times. We might not agree these precautions are necessary but the Lord Jesus sees the bigger picture. We know a wise MAN builds his house on the rock. A foolish man, on the sand. Again they were both in reference to men who build homes and provide their dwellings for the Wife and children that come after. My husband is very pleased I have found this site as he knows I’ll be taking good things from it. As long as I’m ready to serve him when he gets home from work. My bottom wont be spared the belt or paddle if I deliberately indulge in my own activities and forgo what is required of me… It’s been a good couple of years but during lockdown I let my chores slide on purpose and boy did my upturned behind pay for it. My husband is fair, kind and loving but when it comes to me being 1. Disrespectful or disregarding rules on purpose, he shows no mercy. I should’ve known better and I did know better. Thirty five swats and twenty five paddles later I was wailing into his arms, naked submissive cuddled into my understanding but ever consistent loving HoH. I vowed never to repeat that slack behavior. The next few weeks I was given a reminder swat over his knee very quickly once a week on a Monday while we both stayed home. I thanked him for each maintenance session with my mouth, naked with a moderately sore behind but it wasn’t unbearable. HOH is a great spanker and maintenance has really accostomed my cheeks to less harsher hand and paddling. I feel it and I wince but his severe paddlings are mind altering sometimes and maintenance is actually beareable in comparison which is why it was only done for three Mondays then it ceased. My Husband joked once that my round bottom was made of Teflon and pinched it twice. I yelped “I don’t think so Darling” rubbing my bottom. With two firm whacks he smiled as he wacked my red cheeks. “That’s Sir to you” then he grabbed my waist and proceeded to restart my maintenance…”know your place and who you belong too” as he began counting each slap I winced and my legs kicked on their own. The last maintenance was there toughest and HoH knew it would be. “Higher or we start again and again”
            I apologized several times and pushed my bright red globes up for his viewing pleasure. Anything to make it easier for him. He is the Leader, Owner and Ruler of this house and of me and my body. Afterwards he made sure I was sufficiently punished for lowering my bottom and not addressing him as Sir. He laughed and it made me tingle because I knew he enjoyed his control over me and would never dream of physically punishing me beyond the point of what my bottom could handle. It’s not small so it can take a thrashing but he never steers away from that area. My back and legs remain untouched aside from intimacy where hands roam free. My tailbone isn’t touched nor are my thighs but I did get sit spot paddlings a few times and they were worse than anything I’ve been used to. After the spanking was over and I lay over HOH knee. He pulled me up and then yanked my hair back. “Good girl” was all he said. All was forgiven and we kissed. ….

  7. Deserving Avatar

    Hello Aron.

    Thank you for this view comparing both practices.

    I have expressed my concern about BDSM before- only in that it hurts my feelings when people say that wife spanking is just another form of BDSM. I know some people spank for BDSM purposes, which is not my place to judge. But it’s sometimes frustrating because of the things you laid out about comparing true Christian wife spanking in a domestic discipline marriage to BDSM.

    Most of the time, BDSM isnt in marriage. So the acts that happen aren’t appropriate. Besides not being married, many times it includes other people, which in my eyes should not happen because sex is reserved solely for the marriage bed.

    You do a great job of responding to people on all sides of the spectrum, but isn’t it infuriating to hear people claim abuse in wife spanking or saying crude things about cages, sexual acts etc?

    To each his own, but BDSM gives those of us who live truly in the eyes of God and headship in marriage a bad rap. Sometimes it feels like we are being chasitised for our beliefs more than people who practice crazy sexual acts outside of marriage and defy Godly laws. And that’s not to say that sex isn’t a part of a true CDD marriage. It is an essential part of marriage.

    I guess I just hate that the BDSM world minimizes CDD. The purpose of submitting to my husband isn’t just for sexual purposes, right? Yes, submitting sexually is a part of it- but it’s more than that. There is a bigger picture clearly laid out in the Bible which shows that submission comes from my rightful place, under my husbands leadership. Although sexual training and submission are a part of my marriage, I am not spanked for sex. I am spanked for my wrong doings so I can serve my husband better and be a better person. He helps me repent and grow. His headship leads me. I am not spanked to be abused or used sexually.

    Sometimes I want to scream. How do you combat the accusations that this is abusive or degrading? I thank God every day for my husband who leads me, and yes, spanks me. A married couple may find the need to come together sexually after the wife is spanked, but it’s not the reason for the spanking. Otherwise, how would I grow as a wife and person? And furthermore, it takes away from the marriage bed. It makes sex seem seedy and crude. Instead of beautiful and essential under the eyes of God.

    1. Hello Deserving,

      That’s a good evaluation of the subject. In a sense bdsm makes wife spanking look bad, but in a sense it does not. My impression is that the world is generally more tolerant of the bdsm scene, because so much of it is theater, and so much of it is personal preference. It also fits in the the world by sharing its values, such as accepting fornication and same-sex behavior. The world hates wife spanking much more, because it’s rooted in what a marriage really is. It’s rooted in real authority given to the man by God. It’s rooted in Christian values, as well as in what marriage represents — which is the salvation of the world in Christ. It is much more of an offense for all those reasons.

      However, there are some people who come to the wrong idea about wife spanking simply by a lack of knowledge. They can turn around as they learn more about it, and over time come to accept its values, as well as become more open-minded about the truths it represents. I defend wife spanking just as I do biblical values, and the need for Christ. I am not shy about pointing out the emptiness and destruction that comes with the secular belief system, as its adherents ought to know they have little foundation, and are fools for denying God.

      I do deal with the matter in several other articles, if you haven’t seen them already:

      There is No Such Thing as a Dom, as well as Why They Hate you. I have another similar cultural one coming in a little while.

      Bless you.

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