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It would be impossible to discuss the ancient art of wife spanking without noting that the end of the discipline is often punctuated with sex. This is not true of everyone, but it is true of many, and seems natural, due to the intimate nature of the experience to begin with. While I write in more detail and breadth about sex being used in submission elsewhere, I want to touch on one key practice here — the wife pleasuring her husband after she’s been spanked. Having a woman kneel, and pleasure her husband orally is termed by some “the proper thank you,” although it can mean much more than thank you.
It is a common practice among spanking husbands, although like many common practices in domestic discipline, is still disliked and reviled by some. Its objectors would like to paint pointy horns on men who have their women perform for them after discipline, but it is normal, and appropriate to the session nonetheless. You really can’t take that charge of energy — which often is sexual — out of a man spanking his woman. Nor can you take the submissiveness out of a wife on her knees giving her husband a blowjob.
The man’s arousal, and sometimes the woman’s arousal during spanking is part and parcel of the close, physical nature of a spanking. It is normal for the nakedness involved, and a man will enjoy seeing his wife’s body, as well as experiencing the power and yielding during the discipline session, that bears so much in common with the kind that occurs in the marriage bed. Skin, and bottoms, and firm control make for a vibrantly arousing experience. Even a stern lecture before a kneeling and penitent wife can spark the sexual urge between them. She knows she is fully under his control and there is no hard line between that power and the sexual.
As I’ve pointed out, the after-spanking blowjob can communicate a gratitude for the spanking, and for the husband’s leadership in general. He has taken the time out of his life, and the energy, to thoughtfully correct, and then carefully discipline his wife. She’s needed to look inside and see some of her behavior, and she’s needed to commit herself to real good in the future. A bad situation has been brought to peace and ended. This is a beneficial experience for her and the home and it is right for her to thank her husband, even if it may be difficult at the time of the spanking, because of the pain or some resistance she’s feeling. She thanks him by giving herself over to pleasuring him, giving him a personal gift for the leadership of her soul that he shows her. It is day in and day out leadership of course, but it includes the punishment she’s just received. A wife thanking her man is especially appropriate, since her infraction usually involved disregarding his leadership, if not disrespecting it. By thanking him for her spanking, and giving him something he desires, she shows her love for his leadership which she had drifted away from. She shows him how grateful she is daily for the guidance, instruction, and correction he gives her in life.
Pleasuring her husband also shows her great desire for his strength, rightly used, in her life. She has just had to experience that strength in a difficult way, through a spanking, perhaps one she was resistant to receive. Now she may want to experience his strength in a newer and more palatable way — by opening up to his hard member in the most intimate and sensual way. Just as she has been softened over his lap during punishment, she wants to more deeply experience her softness by kneeling before him and giving herself to his strong desire. She shows him how much she longs for his strength and wants his strength to be great.
The physical nature of her fellating him is fitting to the time after her correction. She shows her husband her natural position before him by kneeling. She shows her openness to his command and his teaching by stretching open physically for him. She receives his member as she receives his will. She shows her desire to serve him by focusing on pleasuring him completely. These aspects of pleasuring he man express in action what she probably has expressed verbally during the spanking — her submission to him, and the reverence she has for his headship. Those words are quickly being put into action on her knees.
Beyond showing gratitude, giving oral expresses her new attitude she is going to show. It puts on display quickly that she is back to her right position and right attitude. What was disrespect, is now high respect. What was lifted up pride, is now humble kneeling. What might have been great misuse of the lips is now pleasurable use of her lips just as he desires. She is showing him she’s his again. She’s meek again. She will carefully serve him. It is natural that a wife who has wronged her husband, and been corrected, should want to show him her true self and her good self, after she’d has a bad attitude on display. It often feels right to the soul to do something to show that right attitude when you’ve wronged someone. For many couples, sexual service afterward is the required thing to do, or if not required, is very common practice.
Often, women know instinctively to drop to their knees after being spanked. They have sincerely been moved by the correction, as well as by their husband’s bold command over their bare bodies. They want to be kneeling, and they want to pleasure their man. They are almost hungry to show him their yielding and feel him inside. Other women may find it an obstacle. They may still have a sore ego, or find it would overburden them in experiencing humility, and openly being humbled before their husbands. Either way, if you use this form of — thank you — after discipline, it is best to know what it means and why she is doing it for him. A rote performance might still convey her submission, but heartfelt knowledge is best. She should know by her kneeling, submission, and focus on giving pleasure that she shows her man her gratitude, and gives an example of her coming good behavior. It says I am back to being yours. This is how I will be for you. I am yours and you are my lord.
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